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  • #33928
      • Scaling Like A Pro
      • ★★★★★

      I thought that I would post the scale course rules up in a seperate thread.

      Course points and Penalties

      Progress: -2 points
      Reverse: +1 point
      Gate Marker: +10 points
      Rollover: +5 points
      Vehicle Touch (Repair & Repositions): +10 points
      Course Direction: +10 points
      Winch: +1 point
      Assisted Recovery: +10 points
      Did not finish +20 points per gate
      Did not start +200 points

      Back Up/ Reverse: (1 pt) point is given when a vehicle reverses course after making forward progress. Reversing is defined as at any time if any of the tires move the vehicle backward or spin in the reverse direction, whether engaged or in freewheel and/or whether intentional or not. Once a reverse penalty is given, no further reverse penalty can be given until the vehicle makes forward progress. No penalty is given if the backward movement is part of a penalized rollover. If a driver begins a course in reverse, a reverse penalty will occur immediately.

      Rollover: (5pts) Points are given when a vehicle rolls over and cannot be corrected without touching. Once the vehicle has stopped it may be rolled back onto it’s wheels and a 5 point penalty shall be given. Vehicles that land back on their wheels without assistance are not penalized. No reverse penalties will be awarded until the vehicle is righted. The vehicle may at no time be lifted, slid or moved in any way other than a smooth, continuous roll to the left or right side only. Any other manipulation or movement of the vehicle will be considered a Vehicle Touch.

      Vehicle Touch: (10 pts) All vehicle touches excluding “Rollovers”, “Winching”, “Assisted Recoveries”(see associated rules) , intentional or unintentional, are given an automatic 10 points. The judge then will stop time when either the driver calls for a vehicle touch or the judge calls a driver touch. The vehicle is then moved back by the driver to the previously cleared gate with the rear axle aligned to that gate. If the vehicle cannot be aligned to the gate due to course design, the judge will reposition the vehicle to the next stable location after the cleared gate. This location will be used for all drivers. Note: All gates for progress are still “live” unless a gate has already been deemed “dead”.

        • Hitting The Trail
        • ★★★

        ReverSe question
        If a vehicle rolls back under gravity only, let’s say your trying to climb An obstacle and you don’t quite make it. Your rig will automatically move backwards a bit, it could be only half an inch or a lot more. You could keep going at thE same obstacle clocking up points and only moving back anD forth an inch.
        At what point is it counted as reverse

          • Scaling Like A Pro
          • ★★★★★

          Reversing is defined as at any time if any of the tires move the vehicle backward or spin in the reverse direction, whether engaged or in freewheel and/or whether intentional or not.

          Whether it is a rollback or an intentional reverse, it is classed as a +1. If you make forward movement and rollback or reverse again its another +1. It doesnt matter if its 10mm or 100mm.

            • Scaling Like A Pro
            • ★★★★★

            winching should be part of any good course… they is skill involed in getting the winching done right….

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