Do you know what, I shouldn’t have sent my action figures to the car boot. I had a Black spider man and a Batman, they’d have made great figures for the Trucks
I believe I have seen Starwars figures with helmets and suits, think the Luke Skywalker Rebel one is helmeted with orange overalls. Reckon that would look quite nice
i got a wwe figure in mine got it of ebay for £3 i think hes called the grave digger lol but im loving the pics i didnt know the wraith could take that much punishment :cheer:
im takin mine out for the first time tomorrow. got t second hand or third or even forth off cossack. done a straight swap for my pajero custom built truggy. looking forward to se how it runs.
I couldn’t find a figure I liked, until my daughter stuck a PG Tips Monkee in there, makes me grin every time we take him out now. (He occasionally goes through the washing machine after a good dunking but he seems to enjoy it.)